Friday, June 8, 2012

Autism Science Then and Now

       Several decades ago, there was a poor understanding of what Autism was. It was in the 1960's that it became recognized as a different entity from psychotic disorders. Since then, Autism has been a focus of many researches determined to find out its causes and how it can be treated. Those researches led us today to the knowledge that genetics and the environment are involved in its causation. However, it is not clear how and why while the number of affected children is continuously rising. And there is no known cure as yet.
     There are still a lot of stones to be unturned to discover all that we need to know about Autism and find the cure. If not the cure, a more effective way to treat it at least. Or ultimately, finding a way to prevent it.
     The medical field has not stop its quest. In fact, here are some of the recent findings and development from studies and researches scientists have been conducting.
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