We were eating at a fast food restaurant when an ad on the wall caught my son's attention. The ad was aimed to recruit children for the summer kiddie crew workshop. The ad showed happy faces of children convincing enough and made my son wanting to join.
I was a little worried he might not be accepted to join in typical summer programs. But I still tried to inquire about it. The restaurant manager enthusiastically stated all the requirements for joining. But I just had one question to ask her, "Do you accept children with special needs?" The manager paused and then replied " Yes, we do. It's the restaurant's policy to accept every child who wishes to be a kiddie crew." I told the manager a little something about my son. She reaffirmed that my son's condition won't be a problem although they have not experienced having someone like him in the previous years they have been doing the workshop. Upon hearing that, I had my son registered.
A few days before he started as a restaurant kiddie crew, I had a lot of "what ifs" and worried thoughts. What if he could not understand what he would be asked to do? What if he becomes hyperactive, runs around and break something? What if he could not get along with other kiddie crews?
My boy is already 8 years old, able to write his name, a sight reader, with tendency to be echolalic sometimes and gets confused with multiple instructions but with very good work behavior. I was worried to let him be in a place where people may not have a single idea of what Autism is and how people with Autism are. This would be the first time my son would be participating in an activity where the people he would be working with were not trained to deal with children with special needs.